Friday, August 24, 2007


What a crazy week.

On Saturday, while trying to get home, the people who ran AirTran airways had so many backed-up flights, that all the people waiting to get out of Boston had congregated around the flight counter so that by 7:30, the entire place was Bedlam. The state troopers were there at the scene trying to keep things (more or less orderly). Due to the chaos, and the fact that I was weighted down with all of my "I'm done with school" stuff, I didn't manage to fight my way to the front of the counter in time to check in for my flight. The result? I had to dither around Logan airport for 13 hours hoping to make a standby flight so that I could get home for Nelsen's wedding.

Unfortunately, the management was not cooperative at all, and even after a shouting match, they said they could promise to send me at the soonest only by Monday. So Monday it was, and I had to miss the wedding. I was not happy.

So I stayed an extra 48 hours in Boston. I had a nice lunch and dinner with Marina's family (mmmmmmmmmmm, crepes), but I was still agitated that I couldn't go home.

Once home, I proceeded to chill. I told Mom all about what's been going on in my life and all of that. It was good to relax and sleep in. Also, very good to see my mom.

On Wednesday, I went back to Cincinnati. Dad and I have been bombing around a lot together, and today at Target, we ran into Nick Mahan. It was kind of cool to see him, if only because I really haven't heard from him since we graduated from high school. He wants to get the hell out of Cincinnati, which I sympathize with. Apparently, Florida beckons.

Last night, I was invited to dinner at Chez Schram. It was a great dinner and we played "Settlers of Catan". I highly recommend that game to anyone, its a blast. Its not as well-known as the more traditional board games, but its one of those cool strategy games where you don't have to know a background story and you don't have to learn a lot of intricate details.

Anyway, I'm having a lazy afternoon right now, and don't feel much like talking any more. I'm having dinner tonight with Julia and Nelsen, and hopefully, go crash with Henry down at UC tonight.

Its good to see my friends and family again.

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